
Feb 26, 2015

The attention-grabbing game: Ways of engaging IT people (part II)

Author: Anda Algafitii

As I’ve elaborated in this article’s first issue, there are two different stages that we have to face in terms of getting a positive answer from our candidates: the first step is to get them to the first interview. Once they prove a match, the second challenge is to make a compelling final offer they won’t want to refuse.

A professional is more likely to come to an interview if:

  • He feels really motivated to change jobs;
  • The recruiter is able to sum-up the benefits and interesting challenges involved in a project at first contact, appealing to the candidate’s curiosity;
  • The recruiter is vigilant, and manages to twist the situation in his/her favor by asking the right questions (for example, if you come across a candidate who seems interested in your project, but is not willing to change his job right away, it’s a good idea to ask if it’s OK to keep in touch and get back to him with future offers).

Once they’ve come to the first interview, a worthy candidate is more likely to become an employee if:

  • You remain consistent throughout the negotiation process, promising only what you’re sure you can deliver;
  • The candidate likes the working environment and has an open, pleasant discussion with the recruiter during the preliminary interviewing phase;
  • You build realistic, positive expectations regarding their future in the company, letting them know there are career-advancement opportunities there for them;
  • They feel like the position will provide skill-improvement opportunities – software developers are generally a curious, self-betterment oriented bunch of professionals.

Feel free to share your opinion on the subject of tech-recruiting, and come-up with new ideas!

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