In this article’s first issue, we’ve discussed why carefully updating and reviewing your resume is critically important in the success of your interview, and why arriving on time is underrated. Let’s look at the other three issues I’ve promised to address.
Be informed
Technical people, especially those with significant experience, get a lot of job offers. Because of this, they sometimes become overwhelmed, and can’t remember ‘who is who’. Whether you applied for the job yourself, or the recruiter found your profile and contacted you, once you’ve agreed to meet them, it’s mandatory that you know which job interview you’re going to, so you don’t end-up all confused during the meeting. If you’re undergoing a busy job-search and can’t remember which position you were meeting them about, ask for more details. This is a discreet way of getting on top of things, and recruiters like to help with information whenever they can – it’s motivating to see interest on the candidate’s part.
Make sure you also find out a little bit about the company. Get to know them a little via their website, see what they share on social media, and try to get an insight into their culture. It’s a 15 minute effort, and it’s sure to pay off. IT&C recruiters sometimes see more than a dozen candidates in a week, so it helps to give us something positive to remember you by, like casually mentioning something you’ve found interesting on our website or Facebook page.
Look your best
Yes, the way you dress does matter. There’s no actual dress code for an interview, but that doesn’t mean your band t-shirt and sports shoes make a very neat first impression. If you’re not a suit & tie kind of person, a simple, comfortable shirt with jeans should be enough to give you that crisp look without making you feel like you’re overdressed.
Be nice
We all have a bad day sometimes and act a little grumpy before we’ve had our coffee, every now and again. But a new social situation is not the place to act-out on a bad mood. A good first impression means you’ll get a chance at making some form of second impression. The person you share an elevator with on your way to the interview could be your next boss. So be nice to everyone, not just the recruiter. Be nice to the receptionist, and potential colleagues you run into on your way to the meeting room. Remember your interviewer’s name, and maintain an adequate posture throughout the meeting – as recruiters, we learn to pay attention to body language.
At the end of the day, you might not prove to be the right person for the job, but if you make a good impression, the interviewer will remember you, add you to their network, and recommend you as positions more appropriate for your profile become available.
What do you think about pre-interview preparation? How do you get ready to meet a recruiter? Share your thoughts with me, and be sure to visit us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Google+ for insights into our culture.