We all know buzzwords & their related literature have a way of making it impossible to tell what the actual advantages of a service are, beyond the trendiness of it all. But the Cloud is no new hit in town. It might still feel new, because it’s an ever-popular topic in everyone’s newsfeeds, but it’s too old and too ‘mainstream’ to be classified as new. And that’s a good thing. We now have enough numbers at our disposal to be able to tell what is actually behind all the glitter. The Cloud Industry grew over 300% in the last 7 years. That means it has to be doing something right. And it’s been doing it for quite some time now. So let’s try to look at what’s behind the Cloud’s high demand.
93% of CIOs get at least part of their infrastructure delivered through the Cloud, according to a Forbes survey.
Of those currently using the Cloud, most are confident in their provider’s ability to insure a secure environment (while the striking majority of IT managers believe their companies have significant trouble detecting problems in-house.)
Still, the Forbes study found that 68% of enterprises run less than a fifth of their applications in the Cloud. – Could trust issues be behind this? Are companies still concerned with sensitive information security in the Cloud? Are there actual facts backing-up such concerns, or are we simply afraid to make the transition – to go from a room full of servers you can actually see, to a virtual land of infinite scalability? This is surely a debate for a future article, so be sure to stay in touch with us. For now, let’s get back to those who have made the jump into the future of infrastructure.
Many CIOs now consider cloud computing their top priority. This is likely because the Cloud makes their job a lot more efficient: most CIOs who have migrated their infrastructures to the Cloud report that they’ve significantly cut application costs by doing so. This is also the reason why the Cloud is becoming increasingly popular with CFOs’ strategies. This change in cost attracting them on board is largely due to the never-before-seen flexibility and scalability of Cloud infrastructures, and the resulting significant cost-reduction potential. Companies who upgrade to the Cloud spend significantly less on dedicated personnel. So scalability is definitely at the core of constantly-increasing Cloud popularity. As for the top choices in Cloud strategies, 82% of enterprises have opted for a Hybrid Cloud strategy, as uncovered by the same Forbes survey. Keep in touch with us to find out why the Hybrid model is gaining such popularity! In our next article, we’ll be going over what scalability can do to transform your business, and to help you reduce IT expenses. In the meantime, please feel free to share your thoughts with me: are you pro, or con when it comes to the Cloud? What strategy is your company adopting?